First Impression Medley 5

Another season of first impressions, and I have to say that the line up is mostly pretty good. The season ended up convincing me to watch more than the ten anime I usually watch each season. Even with that being said, it doesn't seem like that many people are interested in anything but Kill La Kill. My previous first impressions ended up being way more compelling to write about, since more people were willing to engage in conversion, but I guess time will tell as this season pushes forward. So without further adieu, lets get to those first impressions.

In Closing

Since there wasn't any response like there were last time, this medley isn't very useful for the more part. So I either picked not as popular anime to critique a first episode on, or this is one of those seasons where a single new anime get really popular and only that one gets people's attention -- either way it suck for these types of post; especially seeing that this new format of doing impressions was so well before, now it is completely opposite.

However, at this point I've seen episode two of some of the anime I've written first impressions about and they have become more positive for sure. I do hope more stop being average and get better, or I might need to drop a few anime to not murder the free time that is forever dissipating.