Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru

Another over-the-top anime this season, with an equally ridiculous name Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru, or NouCome for short. Going in, I really don't see the ramped fascination with causing some kind of harm to our male protagonist makes for a funny show. However, I like that aspect of inevitable choice, Amakusa has to pick from.

The only thing that was more annoying then his misfortune was that introduction that hammered the idea of choice effecting the world, for what felt like a handful of minutes. I can already see Amakusa having to pick between the rather strange girls that he is surrounded by. Plus we really don't know much about the characters so far beside there are 5 weird people in the school, who are very much infamous for said trait; the only reason Amakusa is apart of them is his absolute multiple-choice curse.

I guess the only choice left is to continue or to drop. I would say, I find it interesting enough to keep on watching, but some aspects of the series will get on my nerves from time to time. It was a fun first episode, and I can imagine it getting much weirder as those pesky choices land Amakusa into more trouble.