Not even going to lie, the most exciting part of this episode was Elizabeth finally waking up from her shock induced comma. With her coming back, a lot of the people that are involved in this rebellion have grown a bit more confident in their efforts to expose what Chevalier is doing. However, even with the happiness that is felt from her return, I couldn't help but think that it was only there to conveniently move the focus back over to Satellizer and develop her character. Of course Elizabeth walking up right when Satellizer returned kind of makes that seem far more plausible, but I'm just glad the torture Elizabeth suffered doesn't seem to have caused permanent damages.

Elizabeth's Return

Unfortunately, with the good news, there is also the bad that comes from many of the Pandora that aren't on the side of the E-Pandora's rebellion -- one of major ones being Chiffon. And this is were more fighting between Pandora begins; there is always that strange exchange that happens in almost every fighting show with multiple enemies and allies. That being where one person stays behind to take care of the person in front of them and the group continues on. It always felt so strange that the person currently beating up the people previous would allow them to escape just to fight someone else, but welcome to one of those troupes that just seem to happen quite often without much thought.

Playing the Villain

There was a small flashback when Charles little that revealed something about Marks that does shack my strong distaste for him. Apparently he is "playing the villain" for the sake of humanity. When that line was spoken, the only thing I could think of was Lelouch from Code Geass, which is an interesting thing to be reminded of -- considering that I was in favor of him as a character but not Marks. So even with this reveal it don't change that fact that Marks did some horrible things to Elizabeth, the Mably family, and E-Pandora. And I'm still not so sure why he would have to play the villain in this kind of situation. Also, even if Marks is playing a villain, we don't know to what extent is he mixing his real personality and the act he is executing.

So those conflicting opinions of Marks, and several other things, is great in the sense that there aren't just two sides to a struggle; making most of the conflict, and many layers of problems, fuller and complex. However, right now I'm at the place where most people associated with Chevalier aren't that great -- mainly because we don't have the reason why they are so desperate to hide facts of progress from the common people.

Showering With Ohara

The last scene before the credits was one of those mysterious one for sure. With Dr. Ohara sulking in the shower and seconds before we saw a massive amount of Maria's that presumably Ohara cloned on her own. So not only do I want to know the reasoning for Marks acting as a villain, but what is Dr. Ohara up to with this mass production of Maria's? I'm sure we will find out soon enough as Amelia is closing in on the laboratory -- since most of the Pandora guarding are letting them pass by; but all I do know is with a look like that, I don't think any of this will end pretty and Ohara is ready to fight for her new project.

I might go as far a say that she might of inserted some Stigmata from the cloned Maria and because a Pandora. I'm not sure you would classify this new stigma as artificial and Ohara as an E-Pandora, but at the very least, she might have become a new type of Pandora and she isn't fucking around.

Ending Card

For an episode that is mainly just fighting, there was a lot of set up for the next few episodes that I'm excited to see what's to come. With a lot of the focus being divided into several different places, and involving different people, it can be difficult to keep up but write it out help with knowing what going on in each section. Really, Freezing Vibration is continuing to amaze me with the complexity of a story that was initially about something as basic as alien invasions.

Right now, this episode does make up for those religious overtone coming from Aoi Gengo. They might show up again and that's fine, but right now there is a ton of things yet to come, and I'm pretty convinced that this season will be more than twelve episodes, like it was last season.