A pretty interesting contrast between the last episode and this one, that being from physical to psychological torture. However, it is a bit disheartening to see such powerful women -- like Elizabeth and Satellizer -- in such a weakened state. With that being said, it is a good way of showing that no matter how strong you are, there is always going to be someone or something, that can easily snatch that power away -- and I do hope to see something similar when it comes to Chevalier.

Satella's Chains

The big thing this episode showcased, was the fact that Satellizer was still being symbolically chained down by her and Louis past relations. Louis is the person, to this day, who still in control of most Satellizer's actions, and the reason she is the Untouchable Queen. And most of the ways Louis was presented, made him out to be less than human, a monster. Although I don't like him for what he has done to Satellizer, I think there does seem to be something deeper reason he acts this way; which was brought to light when he broke down after Satellizer said, "Then do anything you want with me".

Louis Chain

I seems to me that Louis has deeper feeling toward Satellizer, that I'm pretty sure he doesn't, or can't, express simple because she is apart of the el Bridget family. So that is one of the more explicit explanations of why Louis is using Satellizer as a proxy for his anger, frustration, and his own twisted version of love.

The thing that is more implicit, is his relationship with other females inside and out of his family. They all seem to fear him, and that includes his parter Holly Rose. It seems like he just doesn't know how to deal with women other than to dominate them into submission and have them do his bidding. As far as the reason why, I think it has a lot to do with his father, and how he has similar tendencies that Louis picked up in his youth -- but I don't know for sure because Father el Bridget doesn't make an appearance in this season or the last.

Confident Kazuya

Although most of the attention should be Satellizer, it felt like it was more or less an attempt to show Kazuya what torment she was going through. Because most of this season Kazuya was pushed way to the back, he finally gets a chance to be able to be of some use to break those chains that have been holding Satellizer down for so long. And by Kazuya saying that he loves Satellizer towards the end, my prediction from the last post seems to have gained more weight to it.

This arc alone might be a one that Kazuya and Satellizer needed to push past the obstacle that was holding their relationship stagnant for so long. Not only will Satellizer grow into a much stronger women, there most likely will be a blossoming new relationship, and Louis might also learn how to treat women like they are humans, rather that his play things.

Ending Card

The fact that these two event were held so close together, shows that Freezing Vibration was really trying to drive a message. Even if we are dealing with a cast made of mostly busty women, that doesn't mean it is going to be all fun and game; if anything, these were their to shake the viewer out of thinking that all show with some breast are going to be a fanservice paradise, with no real purpose to it.

There might be some people that don't want to see this type of torment, but I am one that embraces shows that make you uncomfortable. And that is what is so great about Freezing, there is more than one enemy that faces the Pandora and them moving away from just fighting Nova makes that point apparent. Maybe that "vibration" part is the viewer shaking in discomfort, either way I'm still really enjoying all the complexity that the Freezing series has brought out.