Chevalier has certainly began to flex their muscle in this episode; and the brunt of their rampage is focused heavily on both Elizabeth and her family's company, Mably.

Brain Dead

Elizabeth knew there would be some kind of consequence for going against the super power that is Chevalier, but I doubt she thought it would of this extent. Even with the power that Mably had as a company, Chevalier being a worldwide military organization, it didn't help much in the grand scheme of things. The Mably cosmetics company basically went under because of the lies spread by Chevalier and as far as I know, Elizabeth is brain dead -- but I hope that is not the case.

The way that Chevalier is reacting to the actions of Elizabeth, really makes it clear, that this organization is hiding something even more heinous deep in the shadows. The more harsh the sentence is for simply talking bad about some corporation, government, what have you, the easier it is judge how far the corruption goes for what is essentially absolute power. If anything, the icing on the cake is what Spencer Marks said during the torturing of Elizabeth -- I'm paraphrasing here -- "Pandora have a choice between obedience and death", and that is what we are dealing with here.

Shocking Development

And Freezing doesn't skip on scenes that are quite gruesome. Elizabeth was electrocuted almost to the point of death, but was left alive because of course Marks only want to "teach her a lesson" for daring to defy someone as high up as he is. There was a lot of body convulsing, eyes rolling back, and Elizabeth even pissing herself. All that while Marks wasn't even phased by what is the cooking of a person's brain right in front of him.

It kind of makes me wonder how do you get to that stage of disconnect, when Pandora are suppose to be a value to Chevalier. And even more so when they are running low on support, to the point of producing artificial Pandora. But yeah, I don't really care what happens to Marks or Chevalier after their lack in display in any kind of empathy toward their fellow humans.

Relaxin' With Stella

Coming from the heavy political affairs in Alaska, there is a lot more Satellizer and Kazuya time after Elizabeth injured Satellizer in the previous episode. And speaking on the fact that Kazuya is back after sometime, I didn't think people would mind him taking the back seat with all the affairs that have happened in these last four episodes, but boy was I wrong. Maybe now that Kazuya is back, those people will settle down and focus on more important matters at hand -- since Elizabeth basically can't communicate, there will most likely be a shift in focus back to Satellizer and Kazuya.

Even with Satellizer becoming injured, her going to Bari -- where the el Bridget family is vacationing at -- she is quite determined to help with Elizabeth's failed efforts to inform the masses of what Chevalier is up to. However, it does look like Satellizer will have some hurtles to jump over first, before actually dealing with Chevalier itself. Satellizer still has this traumatizing issue with her brother being a little bit too touch of her body, that has never been dealt with last season.

Shocked Satellizer

So if anything, there will be two things happening that will eventually tie back into the major conflict. But the thing about Satellizer's bother, Louis, and their relationship is that he is the reason Satellizer became the untouchable queen. And now that Kazuya is with her, for possible support in dealing with Loius, we might finally -- maybe not right a way -- see Satellizer and Kazuya preform the Baptism together. However, the dynamic between Rana and Satellizer will be broken and that might not be something that is worth giving up on in this "harem" genre.

Ending Card

There are many things that have been opened for the back story of Satellizer, and even Kazuya, that I hope the anime will get to. However, they must not forget about Elizabeth and the deeply corrupt Chevalier, which will be a difficult task to balance. If the show duration is longer than last season, that being twelve episodes, all the content left to be covered might be able to fit without it feeling rush; but if it is the same length, I'm not entirely sure what the pacing might feel like when we get to the later episodes.

Regardless, I want Elizabeth to make some kind of recovery because she is one of the few nobility that doesn't want to abuse their power, or stand and wait for orders like a lap dog. I'm also quite curious to see if Chiffon will change her mind after seeing Elizabeth in such a state, but only time will tell. So as of right now, we only truly have a handful of people ready to go against Chevalier, and the more convert over, the more likely this organization will either crumple, or change thanks to the pressuring coming from their only assets, that being the Pandora.