I don't usually announce the anime I drop, when a significant amount of episodes come out for me to actual judge the anime; however, since I changed up the way I did things for first impression medley, I might as well do this as well.

I started out with ten anime, as I usually do, and the less interesting ones were abandoned. A simple list for this season would be:

  • Free!
  • Senhime Zesshou Symphogear G
  • Watamote (not really?)

I will explain myself further down into the post, if anyone is curious to why, but the short and sweet answer is, none of them grabbed my attention enough to motivate me to keep watching.

Too Free

Coming into the series, I imposed an expectation on Free!, that was very much justified, explained in a bit more detail on my reaction to the first episode. However, me comparing it to Chihayafuru really didn't do anything to keep my interest, and Free! began to reform in my mind as a slice-of-life with manservice.

I've said this before, and I will say it again, fan/manservice isn't what bothered me, it was more the irrelevant nature of the entire series. I use to very much enjoy slice-of-life(s), like K-On!, but having K-On! elements put into a swimming club -- rather than music -- doesn't impress me. Let alone being spoiled by such a great sport anime, like Chihayafuru, didn't help in improving the overall impression of this one. So these type of anime are no longer compelling to me anymore.

So Free! gets a drop, and I even gave it one extra episode when I usually stop at 3 episodes. I'm glad other people like it, but I guess this type of anime just aren't for me.

Sad Chris

It was quite evident in my first impressions that I didn't really care for this series as a whole -- which is the main reason why don't even remember what went down in the first season. So me actually feeling the need to continue the series was a bit silly on my part.

I use to be of the mind set to stick with an anime no matter what, hence me watching the first season in full. However, over the years I figured that I shouldn't be wasting time on things that I don't find entertaining. I've stuck to it pretty well, because it wasn't as painful to let go of a series and use the brain space for other more important things, then to actually continue watching.

This is why I say goodbye to the Sympogear series, I barely knew you. And I'm less apologetic toward this series compared to Free!, but the only thing that I commend it for is the music -- basically it was something with great music, but a bad anime. I'm out.

Good Dream

If I just watched the first three episodes, I would of put this one on my drop list, but I actually watched the fourth episode, and Watamote finally impressed me. Maybe I'm more receptive toward sexual humor, or I was just in the right mood to find the series funny. Either way, I'm warming up to the series after the lukewarm response I had toward it initially.

Watamote was probably one of those anime that I was caught up in the hype for, and only started watching because of it. However, I'm glad I'm liking it a bit more and do hope to get to the point of enjoying a majority of an episode. I think I will be sticking with this series for the time being.