Right off the bat, you could say that I called Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou wouldn't have much to it. Not to say that's a bad thing, but as far as goals that the characters are working toward, that is pretty much non-existent. And that made an anime that didn't really feel like it was going anywhere.

It is true that they had pseudo-arcs that carried the anime along, but with a simplistic overarching objective like getting Kirihime to write the book Lust, it didn't have enough structure to feel like the last episode completed the series. Plus, the objective itself wasn't really conquered, but merely sidestepped by saying she is making progress.

Even with me knowing those facts, I for some reason enjoyed watching these twelve episodes. It is just one of those series where I found it entertaining, but I know it isn't all that good and wouldn't to recommend it to people. Which is always a weird things to say, but those two things can be mutually exclusive.

With this being a comedy at heart, I was hoping that it could at the very least have the skeletal structure of a plot, while making it humorous. The opposite can be said about InuHasa; it felt like the story came second and they tried to fit those half-baked ideas into a situation where it could be found funny. Some worked out fine, some didn't, but they repeat tired jokes very frequently.

Whether it be the subtle hint of bestiality coming from Kirihime, or the "insert your pick of flat chest joke" at Kirihime and Kazuhito get gets the scissors, they all are pretty obvious and get old quick.

Most of the characters are pretty fun and quirky, and this is probably where InuHasa kept me coming back. It isn't the main characters I care for oddly enough, but most of the supporting characters are really lovable and are a joy to see get screen time. Hiiragi Suzuna, the masochist, probably was the show stealer if I were to put it on one -- but the interactions between most of the characters are pretty wonderful to observe.

InuHasa is a mixed bag really, some people might like that, but I don't blame anyone for ignoring this series. I had a decent time with it, but I doubt I will ever feel compelled to re-visit it anytime in the future.