Right off the bat, Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou felt like it was going to be something really silly or stupid. One of the first things we are introduced to is a talking dogs, so I shouldn't be taking this anime seriously in the first place. However, what usually comes with any kind of silliness is obviously comedy, and InuHasa does have its moments.

As for characters, we have a guy who is obsessed with books and ends up getting killed; and the thing that brings him back is his love for books? I'm not too sure if I'm going to like this guy Harumi Kazuhito, but it is only the first episode. And Natsuno Kirihime is a popular novelist who takes in Kazuhito, in his now dog form, because she can read his mind.

Kirihime also carries around a pair of scissors, and it is so strange to see Japan obsess over scissors; however, I really want to know why Kirihime carries around those scissors, holster and all.

As a whole, I think I'm going to continue to watch this series, because I haven't watched a purely comedy anime in a while, and need shake the attachment it has to romance in my mind. I don't really think the episode itself was that great, but it still has two more for me to test drive.