The only anime that disappointed me, when I was doing my first impressions this season, was Rozen Maiden (2013). However, I usually like to stick to a three episode cutoff point before actually dropping a series, and the second episode of Rozen Maiden has impressed me enough to forgive the devastation that was its first episode.

Since I haven't read the manga, but have seen the two previous seasons, I find myself more interested in the universe where Jun didn't wind the maiden. This has something to do with the fact that I'm more interested in the characters in general -- I really do find Jun's character wasn't explored as much as was needed -- rather than the focus being one the Alice games.

What I do find curious is the way the anime introduced the fact that there was a parallel universe, essentially with a wrap up episode of what would happen if Jun did wind the maiden, but it was fairly pointless in my eyes. And with the focus seemingly more on the older Jun cooperating with younger Jun, in a concurrent way, I do see the anime ending up being a richer story compared to the other seasons. It's almost like the series has grown up with its viewers, that is if you've seen the previous ones.

Now as to the substance of the episode itself, it is very intriguing that Jun's personality in general hasn't changed, but the was he presents himself has altered. As younger Jun, he seemed like a teen controlled by what people think of him, and as a result, he gave up on school and locked himself in his room. Compared to older Jun, where he is still concerned about what people think, but rather then run away, he keeps his feeling inside, and holds a grudge while still being around people.

This is basically different manifestations of emotional defense toward the scars in Jun's past that haven't fully healed. And I do want to see some more of the psychological angle of things in Rozen Maiden, because they barely touched on this when we were first introduced to Suiseiseki and Souseiseki during the first season.

Overall, I might be expected too much of Rozen Maiden, but I do want to see a maturer version of this series, and hopefully good execution. If we did just have a faulty start and the rest of the season is fantastic, I will happily enjoy Rozen Maiden, and look forward to the upcoming episodes.