Anime Suggestion Sunday: Shigofumi

For this weeks Anime Suggestion Sunday, we will be looking at Shigofumi: Stories of Last Letter or just Shigofumi for short. If you missed last weeks, it is located here.

Have you ever wanted to know what the last thing a people, that has pasted away, wished to say to you before they died? Shigofumi is entirely based on that concept of letter from the dead, to the living. Every few episodes it is a different story, from words of joy to the most hate filled letters. Because the dead can't lie, all the letter are always coming from the heart, which the most honesty they can muster.

Death is the main focus, since it is about letters from the dead. However, with a subject so dark and mysterious, we get sweet and heartfelt moment to make it less of a mystery and much more understanding of a topic. Whether you like darker anime or not, Shigofumi is one that you might not want to miss.