For this weeks installment of Anime Suggestion Sunday, we will be look at Paprika. So if you miss last weeks, it is located here.

Shortly after the first prototype of a psychotherapy treatment device, called the DC Mini, it was stolen. What the DC Mini does is allow someone to enter another persons dream, with its main goal of improving methods of treating people and move the psychotherapy field forward. However, because it was stolen, the thief was using it evil -- rather than the initial purpose of the device. Now the science team behind the DC Mini are try to find the culprit with the help of Paprika, the alter-ego of Atsuko Chiba.

The first thing that Paprika may remind you of is Inception, because they both cover very similar subjects. However, because Paprika is older, there isn't an influence from Inception -- but the similarity are still pretty valid. Lets just say, this is Inception, if you wanted it to be a bit weirder, and now it is this strange mix of an anime that is quite fun and beautiful. So, if this description peeks your interesting, you should give Paprika a watch.