Gin No Saji Sterling Silver I recently started watching Gin no Saji -- better known as Silver Spoon -- and so far, it is a very charming series to watch. The slice-of-life genre has always
Kaminomi Risky Business Like many businesses, the anime industry tends to play it safe when it comes to adapting certain source material -- mainly manga and light novels -- into anime. As a
Watamote Drop List I don't usually announce the anime I drop, when a significant amount of episodes come out for me to actual judge the anime; however, since I changed up the way
First Impression Medley First Impression Medley 4 Last season I asked whether or not to separate the big medley posts into a single posts each anime; and since I didn't get that much feedback, I decided to
Free Iwatobi Swim Club Free! - First Impressions One the few anime this season that is aimed at the illusive female demographic, Free!. At first I wanted to watch this just in spite of the backlash that some people have -- who are fans of KyoAni -- and not-so-surprising I'm digging this
Anime Too Different to Care It isn't too hard to figure out that a lot of people don't like change. Website redesigns, different music styles from a band you like, moving to a new place