Witch Craft Works

Right off the bat I expected most of Witch Craft Works to be a fanservice type of anime, but it ended up being more action than anything. I was slightly disappointed considering this series is featuring a female with such large breasts, but I got over it quickly as worse aspects from this anime started to show up. The fact that the male lead is basically a punching bag bothers me quite a bit.

So the series as a whole is harping on the fact that the roles are reversed, with the male character being the one who is protected from baddies, while the female is fighting them. I'm perfectly fine with this reversal, but I wish that the male wasn't constantly being beaten down by not only the magical enemies, but his own classmates as well -- which is why I called his a punching bag, everyone and their mother is ready to knock him off his feet.

So with all the annoyances within just the first episode, it is hard to say that I enjoyed it. There isn't much to like about it, and it is a bit disappointing to have to come into the season with this anime as the first I watched and the first I disliked. I'll give it two more episodes like normal, but I almost doubt that Witch Craft Works will get any better.

Lastly, for a more in depth first impression, click here to view my post on sekijitsu.