White Album 2 - First Impressions

Studio: Satelight

Genre(s): Drama, Romance, Slice of Life

OP: "Todokanai Koi '13' (届かない 恋 '13')" by Rena Uehara

ED: Unknown

Summary: Fall, when graduation is only half a year away. Haruki Kitahara, the final member of the light music club that dissolved, plays his guitar by the window after school in preparation for the school festival. It was the one and only adventure of a good student who spent two diligent years on his studies. But when a flowing piano melody and a voice as a clear as bell harmonize with his guitar… He goes from being alone, to being two, then three in the light music club, as the semester he dreamed of, no, hoped for, began.

(Source: ANN)

Going into White Album 2, I knew that this wouldn't be related to the first White Album, so I didn't attempt to refresh my memory with the other two predecessors. That being said, when they mentioned the song "White Album" and played it throughout the episode, the memories started to show back up. So really the connection between WA and WA2 is the song from ten years ago and it is still as wonderful as I remember listening to it.

White Album has been one of those anime where you remember it because of the songs. And the fact that they connect it vaguely with a song, made it that much sweeter for people that have seen the first.

So diving into the episode, we seem to have start at the end and went back to when Haruki, Setsuna, and Kazusa never met either other. I find this a pretty strange way to structure a romance, considering that you want to start from ground zero to become invested, but I'm fine with different ways to approach similar problems. I guess we now have a hazy idea of what to expect, but not how we actually get there -- plus they say that the joy isn't in getting to the destination, but the journey getting there.

And the journey begins with our male protagonist, Kitahara Haruki. At this moment we don't know too much about him, but in a good amount of romance -- maybe just romcoms specifically -- they usually make the male interest as generic as possible to appeal to a wider audience, but I don't think White Album does this. Haruki's preachy nature might serve for some interesting moments for him at a later date; however, him being the helpful nice guy just because, kind of makes me want to think he will ended indistinguishable from other male characters, but we will see in due time.

The other person we meet is Ogiso Setsuna who is a popular girl among the student, but she doesn't like to stand out. The thing that might be interesting to find out is if that small remark Haruki made about her to his friend is true. That being, Setsuna might be a sweet girl on the outside, but she is hiding behind a mask. It really isn't that new of a trait character really, but I'm wonder what is this slight obsession for the girls that as nice to most, but a mystery overall. I kind of hope she is the opposite of how she wants people to perceive her, because I do like seeing girl that aren't going to appeal to everyone, a bit of vinegar if you will.

The relationship between Setsuna and Haruki just started, and so far I'm only partly interested in seeing what's to come. I don't find the character that interesting, but I will give White Album some slack considering it is only the first episode. The one thing that perk me up was when Setsuna started to sing White Album, because that song is wonderful for one, and nostalgia. I'll continue to see where this is going, I just really hope the characters and their relationship get more interesting to watch; but right now I'm just saying meh.

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