I don't talk about horror anime often -- mainly because there aren't that many, if any, coming out each season -- but since Corpse Party popped up, I decided to give it a watch. And on a small side note, as of writing this, there are only 3 of the 4 episodes in the OVA subbed, so I haven't finished it completely yet.

The horror genre is one of those type of anime that I have a hard time judging how good it is, because I have a high tolerance for both gore and psychological torment. However, I do enjoy these kinds of anime from time to time, but I wouldn't say Corpse Party is one of those times. With that said, there are parts where scenes are exciting enough for me to finished the episode -- and being three-fourths of the way done, I might as well finish the series.

One of the biggest reasons I couldn't get into Corpse Party was probably the characters. There are some "star players" in the anime, that will most likely survive the whole adventure, but all the others were pretty forgettable -- and that is probably why they got killed so easily. With all the wonderfully creative and awfully awesome ways they have died, I was far more pumped for their deaths, than having to sit and watch other react to it.

The stronger part of this horror was probably the relationships between characters, rather than the people themselves. Which is the main reason why I wasn't as excited when Satoshi's younger sister, Yuka, died. Another example was, the discussion between Yoshiki and Ayumi, on whether or not they would return back into the cursed school of Heavenly Host Elementary after escaping -- which was all thanks the help of the ghost of Kanno Yuki.

Tension between most characters is probably the second best part, especially when the crazies pop up. The two humans that went insane are always the most fun the watch in these situations, but sadly, they were short lived.

I can't really say much about the story overall, since I don't know what happens in the next and final episode. But going off of what I've watched, Corpse Party defiantly has its moments, and that is all great and exciting; however, a majority of the time, it didn't hold my interest enough to praise it. It is pretty decent for something that is only four episodes, but I doubt I would come back to it at a later time.