Simply Complicated

I was going to write about my final thoughts on Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge, but I'm going to push it aside for this case.

As of Wednesday, I've been re-watching Lovely Complex and boy do I pat myself on the back for that. I haven't genuinely praise an anime since Anime Suggestion Sunday ended, for the time being. However, after seeing a good amount of Lovely Complex -- currently on episode 9 as of writing this -- I've notice the anime is doing something well, and as a result, it has become something really enjoyable to me.

That thing being an interesting mix of comedy and drama. Lovely Complex knows when it need to be funny and lighthearted, and at the same time, knows when to more serious. That combination of opposites seems to be executed so well, that it gets aways with making them happen at the same time, what I like to call a "cheerfully sad moment". These types of moments are typically based off Risa, when she first confesses to Atsushi, but they are fascinating ways to mix emotions nonetheless. It's almost like it is comic relief, but happening at the same time rather than after, making for a much softer blow at sadder moment, but the sadness isn't forgotten.

Alongside these wonderful melting of emotions is the overall theme, that is even apart of the title; a complex or something a person holds to be self-concious about. The fact that Risa, the female, is taller than the norm and also taller than Atsushi, makes quite an amusing pair. With the focus being on height, it can be seen as a commentary on how social norms can affect who others are attracted to, even something as minuscule as height.

Lovely Complex does cover other types of complexes -- like non-hetero relations, aka homosexuality -- but it is far more focused on height and how people's perceptions, on who people should date, affect another's -- on whether they should pursue these kinds of relationships.

This has probably been the most fun I've had watching a romantic focused anime in a while, and I'm really glad it also has something to add to the mix, just so I can write about.

Side note: Last thing I do want to say about it, which isn't as relevant to my praise, but it was kinda cool is that most of the characters have a Kansai accent. Hearing things like ちがう(chigau) said like chou, or うるさい(urusai) said like uruchai. You don't see a lot of anime characters with this kind of accent, and that was just even more so refreshing to hear a different dialect of Japanese than I'm use to.