Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda

With no real introduction to what type of world Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda is set in, I pretty much assumed that it would be a non-magical world. Considering that all we really had to go by was the idea of world conquest it is understandable. However, somehow a single small child was able to accomplish this feat of world dominance. Well with all these strict laws and very whimsical battles, this is far from non-magical.

Basically my biggest question coming out of the first episode is why the fuck is the government chasing after what I assume to be a preteen girl who has a crew that looks like heroes. There wasn't much explaining going on at all in the episode, so it is a bit strange going into an introduction to a show that feels like you are a couple episodes in without much warning. But that didn't really stop me from some what enjoying what Sekai Seifuku had to offer -- and yet again we have a male lead who gets pushed around by everyone without much reasoning, just because.

At this moment my curiosity far surpasses the confusion I have, and additionally, there were parts where I was enjoying the banter that was going on between characters. I'm not sure if this group Zvezda are actual heroes and the government is corrupt, or they are anti-heroes simply fighting against any obstacle that gets in their way. For now I'm sticking to the latter and just thinking of this anime as a quest for world conquest from a plotting little girl.