I haven't been the biggest fan of OreImo, but the latest episode has something worthy of noting. I never liked Kirino in general, because of her dishonest nature throughout the series -- better known as a dominant amount of tsun, with not enough dere -- and I just don't like tsunderes. Putting that point aside, through the influence of Ruri, we finally get to hear Kirino's honest feeling. And it only took a full season and then nine episodes of a another season, to make Kirino remotely likable; regardless I still don't see the appeal to someone as bitchy as her.

With my complains about Kirino out of the way, lets get to the main reason why this turned into one of better episodes of series, which is Gokou Ruri -- better known as Kuroneko.

I wouldn't necessarily say that what Ruri did to Kyousuke was entirely a ruse, but it certainly a deceptive way to interact with someone you loved, in order to get a reaction out of one of your friends. I guess -- considering that Ruri has times when she can be blunt to people -- this was one thing she would think up, but she probably had good intentions. Of course -- based on the end result -- she did succeed in prying out Kirino's walled off emotions, which was a net good.

Now, the last thing about the episode that I found interesting, was the fact that Kirino has the same characteristics of her brother, Kyousuke; however, hold a completely different opinion about him, and still finds a need to bother with being jealously of who Kyousuke flirts or goes out with. I always thought of hate as something where you don't want anything to do with that thing, or person, you show hatred toward, but Kirino seems to have an extremely active loathe for her sibling, that almost extends into caring for him.

Ruri and Kirino are just those character that I probably will never understand completely, but that kinda makes them more interesting. Despite how I feel about either of them, both females and Kyousuke make for an interesting mingle of people that allowed me enjoy OreImo as a series. And I can ignore my complains about Kirino every now and then.