
For some reason when going into Noragami, it felt like Durarara and Bakuman, as far as art style goes. And both are great anime to beginning with, so I was starting with some pretty high expectation comparing Noragami to these two anime. As far as I'm concerned, this was a pretty great start of a first episode simply based on the silliness coming from this overconfident "stray god" and this hype reactive, martial arts loving middle school girl.

Even if I've seen my share of anime series with helping people as the main focus point, Noragami feels like it has a lot of charm coming right from the started based on the two characters being presented in this episode -- the addition of the supernatural side help as well. There is also that slightly creepy element of Hiyori hearing other people's thoughts that might become pretty interesting as the story develops more. And the prospect of whats to come is really what is drawing me in to the series with the mix of wackiness and even the more serious and creepier aspects.

This seems almost like a no brain to continue, on my part, and I'm glad I decided to try it out. The series as a whole seems like it will be carried by it's characters and I'm completely fine with that because I enjoy over-the-top characters every once in a while