The final part of "Broken Themes" and this character, Shizune, is the main reason I started thinking about themes inside of Katawa Shoujo. So as away, this contains spoiler for Shizune and the previous parts are Emi and Lilly.

According to most people, Shizune is the least liked of the five routes in Katawa Shoujo. Despite that I found it to be one of my favorite compared to the three I've actually completed. Mainly because the balance between love, friendship and duty is far more prevalent in this route, making it more complex then it seems despite having the least amount of choices.

Shizune can be overpowering in the way she tries to convince people in doing something for her or the Student Council. To the point of actually being manipulative if she doesn't get the result she wants. And being president of the Student Council, she has some leverage over most of the students and mixed with her overbearing personality, Shizune can be a force to reckon with. With all this power, she take advantage of it through out the route with no regards of the consequence.

Evidence of this early on, when Shizune is trying to convince Hisao to join the Student Council and takes him out for lunch. This seem harmless at first, but she gets him to stay past the lunch break and Hisao will end up getting in trouble, unless of course he was in the Student Council. These small things show Shizune's persecutive of treating obstacles as tactical games, only to be conquered in anyway by her.

Probably the most severe case of this type of control is the relationship between Shizune and Misha. Misha has been Shizune's translator along side being her friend, and the only person she is able to talk to normally, because not many people know sign language. Much later on in Shizune's route we find out Misha had a crush on Shizune, and still does. With Hisao coming in and actually being able to further the relationship with him and Shizune, did complicate things between Shizune and Misha.

This complication made Misha more aware of her feelings toward Shizune all over and made Misha drift away from Student Council, which is the main place where she would hang out with Shizune and Hisao. Also causing Shizune to start to worry about the order she's been use to for these past months. She is beginning to realize how much she is talking advantage of Misha, being treat as her personal translator rather than a person.

With the help of Hisao, Shizune had to slowly see that not everything had to be a game that was ready to be conquered. That was the only way to repair that underlining relationship between Shizune and Misha, we need to talk it out and not be the dominating focus that Shizune normally tries to be. And working though that way of thinking for Shizune was the main problem she had with interacting with the range of people, which includes Misha and Hisao. She had to cut back on guiding people to the point of being manipulative and actually let them do things for them self.