There has been some discussion popping up due to a video made by gigguk, where he talks about the idea of anime becoming mainstream in the west; essentially he is asking if anime fans would like for this to happen, comparing it to when videos games became more popular, the gaming industry started cranking out less original games year after year.

I find this discussing coming up quite coincidental, considering I wrote something about the risk free nature of a lot of anime, which isn't going up until Tuesday. However, the dissent to the idea of anime becoming more popular, in the west, kind of proves my point even more than the post itself.

So the main point of people concerned, for anime if it did become popular, is that it would change to appeal to the masses. These points were mainly brought up on reddit in the comments rather than the comment section of the video in question. And it feels like most of them are caught up in the FUD, and not seeing the actually benefits of an industry that grows.

The most glaring flaw is comparing anime to videos games; they may have similar demographics to pander to, but the risk of making a single project of both mediums is a mountain of difference. And that mountain, composed of money, is the primary reason AAA games are so similar and lack that feeling of it being designed with passion, there is too much risk.

The other reason for it not being the best comparison is that videos games are a global market, and any country can and will make video game; on the other hand, anime is solely made in Japan and western influence isn't much of a factor.

So what are these benefits? Well I would say there would be more anime coming out for one. If there was more money flowing though the anime industry, I believe that animation companies would be far more willing to pick up different types of manga, and make an adaptation. Think of all the manga that you might not of thought would ever get an anime, because it didn't fit the model anime has set. Seems like something that would be good overall.

The second is something that may be a point where people might disagree with me, but anime would change. I doubt every anime would be affected by this, but at the very least, the industry should be able to make some risks and experiment with different styles and/or genres.

Of course the change from niche to popular won't be all positive, but I think I would take that chance to get some growth going. I just hope that shounen isn't the only genre to become popular considering the track record of anime that have some recognition in the west, but mostly North America -- I'm looking at you: Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Inuyasha, Dragon Ball (series), Yu Yu Hakusho, etc.

I guess I want to leave with me quoting myself on reddit, when I freshly watched this video. But before that, I really want to know if anyone agrees, disagrees with my points. Would you like to see anime become mainstream?

...the only concern I would have for anime gaining popular is the speed. If the change was sudden, kind of like how Attack on Titan was, they may start to focus more on making things similar to that anime, losing that specialness it had. However, if the change is gradual, it may be far more favorable to the industry as a whole.

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