On my first impressions, I posed a few question that came to mind which never got answered in that first episode. Right on the subsequent episode we, quite explicit, got two answered; the first, and biggest one, was Tatsuya and Miyuki begin blood related. I was purely going off the knowledge of school enrollment based in the United States and that misconception got cleared in the comment section way before I watched the second episode.
The other concern was the naming convention of Course 1 and Course 2 students being "Bloom" and "Weed", respectively. It turns out that those types of label are prohibited by the school and student are discouraged to use them -- yet many actually do. And this animosity coming from Course 1 students based on a prejudice of the Course 2 students is the running theme in this episode and the next. And very quickly those assumptions begin to dissolve as Tatsuya shows how assuming only makes an ass out of them.
Most of the episode was devoted to setting up Miyuki and Tatsuya in taking some student governing position. For Miyuki, she pretty much took the position of the first year representative in the Student Council, and Tatsuya was suggested for the Disciplinary Committee.
These series of events ended up starting what was a front an center example of not to underestimate your opponent. The Vice President, Hattori Hanzou, was the person in this episode who learned this lesson quite clearly by misjudging Tatsuya only because he is a Course 2. Before the battle we didn't actually know how skilled Tatsuya was when it came to him combining his physical attribute with his magical attributes -- only had Miyuki's word one how storng he was with magic. The battle ended rather quick and I was actually expected for them to cliffhanger it for the next episode, but it ended so fast there was no need.
Other than that fight, there was a bit more in-depth explanations of how magic activation works. They are based on something called Psion and funneled into devices called CADs -- Casting Assistance Device. Most of the explanations were just small talk when students were walking home. So I needed to wiki most of these references to get a better understanding of what they where talking about. CADs are self explanatory once you know what the acronym is, and Psions are simply "thought particles".
There wasn't that much going on this episode, but a majority of these so far are a continued explanation of the school and characters -- which is why the episodes are named Enrollment Part... So I would say I'm fine with these kind of episode because the environment is interesting and so are some of the characters.
Right after the duel between Hanzou and Tatsuya, the students dove right into explaining how Tatsuya was able to pull off such a feat in a short amount of time. And the more they explain magic use, the more it just makes me come to the conclusion that it is more or less a computer; the singular input coming from the user's body gets process and output as some spell. And at a very high level, most computers follow that IPO -- input-process-output -- model. In the end, based on the duel result, processing power will only get you so far, but it is mostly about how well you are able to use each cycle; aka efficiency is key.
Soon enough Mari pulls Tatsuya to the Disciplinary Committee headquarter to actually get Tatsuya to join the committee. Most of the concern brought up by Tatsuya were repeats, but this time Mari proved to him that most of the people in Disciplinary Committee will most likely not have that discrimination factor that some Course 1 students have. Soon enough Tatsuya does join, but shortly after finds out that Morisaki Shun was also joining -- the guy that picked a fight with the Course 2 students because he wanted to walk home with Miyuki in the first episode.
Fortunately, they didn't get into a fight like Tatsuya and Hanzou did, but Shun still showed some animosity toward Tatsuya right after the meeting with the Disciplinary Committee ended. And the event afterward were action from the duties of Disciplinary Committee. Even though most of the duties where on the latter half the episode, I enjoyed it despite being someone who doesn't frequent the action genre.

And what's an anime without the fanservice? Well we get a pretty throughout glimpse at Miyuki's pale, pale, body as this one-sided incest fest continues to sail along.
It's an interesting difference of personalities if I were to compare Tatsuya to any other male protagonist. Mostly, for Tatsuya, this type of scene is a non-issue and that is refreshing to see. But on a more serious note, the only substance that came from this scene was that self-repair spell Tatsuya has; once again it is very similar to a computers if you backup your data and restore from the point of some failure.
Wrapping up, these two episodes where far more focused on Tatsuya than Miyuki based on all the interaction with other characters he has had. I do consider him to be the more interesting character at the moment, but I do hope that the anime fleshes out Miyuki as much as it has with Tatsuya.