Golden Time - First Impressions

I guess you could say this one threw me for a loop. The introduction to Golden Time seemed like it was going to be something between Kouko and Banri, since Banri is the focus of this episode. However, we find out that Kouko has this obsession over Mitsu, who is Banri's new college buddy.

I find that Kouko is obvious -- but to the opposite spectrum of a male protagonist in a romance -- where she thinks that Mitsu is a tsudere and actually head over heels for her, is a rather amusing trait for a female character. I don't think I've seen female protagonist like that, so it is a bit refreshing to experience. I do wonder if this whole comedy act of Kouko sneaking up on Mitsu and him freaking out will get old, but I'm enjoying that for the time being.

So right now, I say this is another series where I'm happily surprised by. I finally found another romance set in a non-high school setting and all is good in this world. I'm looking forward to see the development between Kouko and Mitsu, but also if Banri will find someone to fall for -- it might be Kouko for all I know. Lastly, as a side note, did anyone else see Miss Monochrome in the background of the club recruiting scene?