Freezing Vibration 12: Glimmer of Hope

I really dislike having to mention undertones of series multiple times, but with the whole Tower of Babel comparisons, it is inevitable to have this blatantly planted message put into my mind. So now that Freezing Vibration has ended, with the same amount of episodes as last season, I can clearly see -- even though I don't want this to be the case -- that a lot of what this series has many parallels to Christianity. And it is a rather jarring parallel to make considering many of the Pandora were trying to fight against an authoritarian environment -- that being the military Chevalier -- and yet make many reference to another type of authority based system, that being religion.

So what am I getting at exactly with all this exposition? To put it simply, Chiffon ended up being morphed into Jesus. Aoi Gengo already said that Novas are basically divine punishment and Amelia transformed into one of the tougher Nova's after experiencing many atrocities from the man created project E-Pandora; she basically gets taken over by her anger toward the humans and becomes said judgment.

We also find out the Chiffon isn't human, but she has sympathy for mankind's mistakes; so when Chiffon tried to convince Amelia to stop, Chiffon say something around the lines of "I hope to bear the sins of humanity..." and all I could thinks of was "oh great, Chiffon is Jesus".

Even with this religious hypothesis, there are several questions that are left hanging because of this type of ending; What exactly are Nova? If Chiffon isn't human, then what is she; is she part Nova? Of course we might not get the Nova answer for sometime since that is probably the bigger question though the series. The other, since Chiffon died, it would have been nice to get something out of her besides she want to save her comrades.

And speaking of Chiffon's comrades, we get introduced to a new character right at the beginning of this episode, that being Ticy Phenyl. It was a bit jarring to see a school scene be the start of the episode considering that the previous one was Chiffon going into Anti-Nova Mode. And right after Chiffon's death, we get a bit of an explanation to what the connection Ticy has with Chiffon, but it is still pretty vague. Plus with Ticy appearing, and her basically becoming the successor of Chiffon, it leads back into Christianity where Ticy is either the Jesus rising from the dead or the second coming. I want to go with the former considering the closeness of death and rising.

With the series concluding on the twelfth episode, I can't help but think that most of this wrap up felt really rusted. Rather than actually show the conclusion of the fight, we got an narrated explanation from Kazuya. And that felt strange considering the Kazuya isn't really that important of a character based on his airtime, he was more of a catalyst for Satellizer to overcome some obstacles.

So with an ending like that, it wasn't that satisfying to end with. There was more setup for the next season and not much of the episode feeling like it was an ending point, but more of a hanging fruit ready to be picked. This season of Freezing was pretty good, but it only left more questions yet to be answered, and all I can do is hope for another season -- or get myself to read the manga.