Freezing Vibration 07: Breaking Free

After so much tension in the last few episodes, this one finally settles down and marks the end to the abuse and psychological damage done to Satellizer, cause by her brother Louis. With this arc being only two episodes and this type of abuse going on for much longer, it felt like the anime was trying to get this development out the way in order to progress back into the main plot line. However, even with that complaint of it feeling rushed, I would really know what to add to make it feel more fleshed out, and that is probably the weirdest feeling to have about an anime.

Either way, I enjoyed the arc for what it was, a way for Satellizer and Kazuya to strengthen their relationship. The thing that is still a lingering question for me is, why didn't Satellizer realize that Kazuya was someone there for her in the first season? With the reason Satellizer was able to break from the chains of her brother being that there is somebody willing to stick with her, the first season supplied enough evidence for that; both him and Satellizer had to deal with upperclassmen trying to attack them simply because they didn't like Satellizer who was disrespected the hierarchy in the school, and Kazuya stuck around for all that.

Maybe we can jut blame it on Satellizer being blindsided by all the battles, but with her own admission, she is no longer the Untouchable Queen. And by throwing away such a label, it really does mark the day that Louis no longer has any control over Satellizer anymore.

Of course Satellizer wasn't the only one to grow in this arc. Louis, the antagonist during these two episodes, and his prison playhouse has finally been broken by his own prisoner and one other person's assistance. The prison used as an excuse to protect someone very precious to Louis, his sister. I don't know why this happens, but there is this unusual misrepresentation of what can and can't be done in the name of protecting someone. Louis emphasized the fact the Satellizer was his, a doll, a piece of property that he wants to protect, but what he was doing is far from protecting.

Even if he did try to kill himself after everything, essentially trying to escape from his sins, I'm glad he was able to also realize that there was someone there for him -- that being Holly Rose. So now he seems to no long treat the women around him like cheap toys that can be thrown away if he no longer needs them; but the guess I had last week about him picking up such behavior from his dad, has completely been crushed with his appearance in this episode.

I believe this is the first time we have seen the father of the el Bridget family, Howard el Bridget, so I never really knew much about him besides him having an affair with Satellizer's mother. So now that I know that he actually cares for Satellizer -- made apparent with him wanting to see her when she was in Bari -- and actually recall that it was Howard's wife who hated Satellizer because of that affair. So we will see what will happen to either him and the el Bridgets, or Chevalier in the next few episodes since we are heading back in the E-Pandora arc after a quick detour.

Now that we are back in the main story line, we can get back to more grander scaled abuse of power and military corruption. I'm quite curious to see how Elizabeth is doing, and hope that she can regain her senses back after what was a more extreme form of shock therapy. I did notice that the Pandoras and Limiters are working together more, so with the next title of the next episode being Rebellion, there might finally be something that I've wanted to see in this series.

And to wrap up, there was a small sneak peek at what was women in test tubes. So it seems to me, Chevalier is scraping artificial Stigmata with normal women -- ala E-Pandora -- and going fully artificial life. With something like that, I think they might be more likely to turn into Nova, which again continues to create more of a problem for humanity. Regardless, it is time for full scale rejection of the power that is know as Chevalier, and I can't wait.