Flamenco Family

Samurai Flamenco was one the anime I didn't end up doing first impressions for, and it is one that is becoming another one of my favorite anime this season. I don't think there have been very many, if at all, anime where you follow regular people, inspired by superheroes, as they attempt to thwart crime; however, there are a few cases in comics and movies here in America, one being Kick-Ass. And now that new -- and some older -- heroes are popping up after Samurai Flamenco start to become more popular, the prospect of there being a bigger force of heroes is one that could be very likely.

Right after resolving the whole fake Flamenco fiasco, we are introduced to Flamenco Girl who has the least obfuscating disguises know to man. However, unlike fake Flamenco or Red Axe, she ends up saving "Samumenco" and they became a team -- though this team was far more focused on giving the spotlight to Flamenco Girl. And with the introduction of her, and her rather interesting style of fighting crime, it brings up an interesting dilemma of doing things to be recognised versus doing it because you generally want to help out.

Both Flamencos have their own reasons why they wanted to become heroes, and Hazama's is very much the more obvious one; as for Maya, I can only guess. Based on her actions, it seems like she is far more in it for the fame. Which, is rather odd to say the least, seeing as she is already the center in an idol group, so there might be more to it than just the popularity.

Most of the time, when Flamenco Girl fights the criminals, she tends to go over the top and quite literally kicks them which they are down; because of this, most of the "justice" she brings is more petty, vengeful, and far less heroic -- pretty much down playing Samurai Flamenco's efforts and she still manages to out shines him. Which is why I have my suspicions that either Flamenco Girl is going become more of a villain on her own accord or Samurai Flamenco will stop being her lackey, and realize she doesn't stand for the things he does and stop working with her.

If anything, this what Samurai Flamenco needs to continue to grow as a hero; since Flamenco Girl is a lot more skill than him, it is also more motivation to get better at fighting against all the dirty tricks Flamenco Girl uses as tactics. I guess the one weakness we did find out is that she is into men in uniform, so Goto can help out to defeat her if that ever happens.

So I really do hope the anime touches on what it means to be a hero more, because with a subject like regular people attempting to become superheroes, it is probably one of the few places that can do that. It doesn't have to go as I predicted, but I believe this still fits into the model of what I'm hoping for later down the line. It may have been a while since I've seen an anime revolving around a superhero setting, but I'm excited to see what happens in the future for sure.