Crafty Kitty

As we begin to see this season coming to an end -- about two to three more weeks left, for the thirteen episode anime at least -- I would say this season was a pretty good one overall. However, most anime appear to have been out shined by the colossal hit that is Shingeki no Kyojin, or Attack on Titan; not to say that it is a bad thing, these kind of smash hits can be good things, for the both the companies and the culture surrounding anime itself.

I would consider it to be both a blessing and curse. With the gain in popularity, it brings more people wanting to start watching anime; however, the other anime in this season, get their thunder stolen by the big name -- becoming a big cycle of people talking about it and the anime being talked about growing in popularity.

One anime in particular, that I've been watching, but didn't pay much attention to is Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko -- Henneko for short. From title alone, it would seem like something that wouldn't be worth watching, but this one is pretty good -- not without its flaws, of course.

I don't think I will do a complete review of it when it is finished, but starting from the beginning, it has a lighthearted view on changing oneself and the subject of wish granting in general. However, that stance didn't last long as we saw a darker, and more serious take on the same subject. Now we are at the point where this chain of wishes made a mess, of what was once the normal world, and it is mostly the main characters that seem to be affected by this.

Now, this is where the flaws come in. Henneko feel like it jumps around too much: the beginning was strictly comedy, and a really good time to watch. Now it is far more drama focus, but I'm still liking it. The major effects of these kinds of context switches have, is it can be pretty confusing at times, and a lot of the plot stacked on gets tossed.

The clarity of this anime is lost for me, but for some reason I'm still watching this chaotic, yet wonderful anime. The reason might be because, I need to play closer attention to Henneko, or it just need to explain itself better; as a whole, this anime is still something that shouldn't be ignored -- if you actually like the mix of romantic, comedy, drama.

Concluding this gloried rant, I want to say, their are other anime out there besides Attack on Titan, and I do want to see other discussions beside that one anime. One of major reasons I have stopped writing, and even talking about, it that contrast of signal to noise, being in favor of noise in this case. So now I'm probably going to to continue that pattern, excluding this post.