Being hit by a female after a male so much as thinks of something perverted is quite a common trope in a romantic comedy, but they can also just be most comedy without any romance. I've done a fairly decent job avoiding these kinds of anime for a while, but one has popped up and reminded me of how annoying it is.

The anime in question is GJ-bu, but there are a fairly long laundry list of anime that could fit the bill for me.

Every time Kyouya thinks of anything remotely sexual, or Mao deems to be far too embarrassing to her, Mao will provoke or actually bite Kyouya as punishment. This kind of comedy didn't bother me at first, because it would rarely happen. However, sooner or later it began to become more common place, and stood out more than it should.

Baka to Test Rage

Before GJ-bu, there was one anime, Baka to Test, that began this boiling rage I have when a male would get hurt, in the name of comedy. It wasn't so much the fact that he got hit, but the reason for it and the most common was sexual thoughts, a thought crime that is literally hurt no one.

I'm not sure if it's Japanese culture or something, but just thinking things that people deem perverted isn't something that should be punished, especially if it is something as imbalanced of a punishment as violence for imagination.

Good Pain

Comedy can be something really difficult to pull off right and having something as simple as unexpected humor becoming expected, make it very dry and down right annoying. However, not all instances of women hitting men got on my nerves. One that felt a bit more refreshing was MM!; having a perverted masochist and getting attacked, only made him more aroused. Having this hyper-sexual male being even more stimulated by beautiful women hitting him, mixed the trope up enough to lift the comedy back out of the mud and feel almost like something new.

Rehashing the same bit often can be freshened up quite easily by just adding something simple like, someone that can avoid the attacks or actually loves to be hit. If I can see more this trope being shaken up, it will be a happy day for my anime viewing, but until then, I will try to keep viewing of these types of anime to a minimum.
