Our nameless heroine wakes up in an unfamiliar place and is greeted by an unknown face. Ms. Heroine has amnesia, and this unknown face turns out to be a fairy, who is going to help her in finding the memories she had lost. She attempts to pretend that everything is fine with all her friends, coworkers, and even her boyfriend, as she regains any kind of memories from her past.


Initially I was really into the whole, "girl has amnesia and need to find out who she is". However, the plot becomes quite paper thin as it progresses. Amnesia forgets what it was suppose to be, and switches to an unrelated plot, that wasn't as attractive as the earlier established one.

It's difficult to explain the complains I have for the story without spoiling it, but to be vague as possible, the focus shifted from the heroine to this mystery that wasn't really related to her remembering her past. And that shift and confusion is really the only reason I stuck with it for the rest of the series; I just wanted to know what the hell was going on.


The art was very bright and had this subtle, consistent texture going on in the clothing. I haven't see too many anime with that kind of style, where the clothing look distinct from all the other parts of the body; it really does set itself apart from other flashy art styles in anime.


  • Heroine (voice: Nazuka Kaori)
  • Ikki (voice: Taniyama Kishou)
  • Kent (voice: Ishida Akira)
  • Orion (voice: Igarashi Hiromi)
  • Shin (voice: Kakihara Testsuya)
  • Toma (voice: Hino Satoshi)
  • Ukyou (voice: Miyata Kouki)


Since she lost her memory, we don't really know who she is; however, from what I've seen from her without memory, the heroine is very accepting of quite a lot of situations. She tries to be helpful when she can, but only really follows the instructions of whoever she is with.


Essentially the ladies man of all the other five men. Ikki has a whole entourage following him, that claim to be his fan club. He is the man that is good at games involving his hands, which I assumed to be a big innuendo because he does get all the ladies.


Kent is the very analytical one, who has a hard time understanding people. Because of this he likes math, but even with his superior observation skills, can only explain things logically and emotions are almost never a factor.


Our heroine's guide to helping her find the memories she has lost. Orion is a fairy, so only the heroine can see him. However, every now and then, Orion can't be seen by the heroine for unexplained reasons.


Childhood friends of the heroine and Toma. Shin is the most mysterious of the bunch, or for those who don't know, there isn't much personality to be found.


Childhood friends with Shin and the heroine. He is very protective of the heroine, almost to the point of being controlling. However, he has his reason for it, not like they are good reasons to begin with.


The man with the split personality disorder; one is his default, if thats what you wish to call it, he is kind and very considerate to our heroine. While the other is insane and dangerous when near the heroine. Ukyou doesn't get introduced till the later episodes of Amnesia, so he remains a continuous mystery until much later on.


Good Bad
interesting foundational plot inconsistent story
beautiful art forgettable characters
wrapped up really quickly

With all the emphasis on the heroine's amnesia in the beginning slowly drifting away, as the anime further progressed, it felt more like an excuse the anime used to make the female so bland and unimportant. Amnesia stayed with the whole "reclaiming the heroine's memory", for a few episodes and then scrape it completely for something else, that doesn't get injected back into the story until the very end.

Despite having something going for it in the begin and wonderful art, Amnesia didn't have anything to it, but its beauty. I would consider this anime to be skippable unless you really want to see what happens; otherwise, like most of the character in this series, Amnesia is pretty on the outside and hollow on the inside.