Absolute Corruption

"With great power, comes great responsibility", but what exactly is that responsibility? As far as Spider-man quotes go, it is basically hinting at using your power for the good of society. However, a good portion of people don't want to be a hero, or they aren't taking this kind of advice to heart; for those that don't, I wouldn't say they would by definition use their for power for bad reason, but it is more likely they will.

Another quote involving power would be, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely". This can be consider the opposite side of the first quote, where if you don't keep yourself in check, you with end up becoming corrupt. One of the better cases of this -- and the arc for it ended pretty recently -- is Accelerator from Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S, who has a great thirst for power.

Accelerator, the strongest Psychic in Academy City, participated in an experiment that could turn him into the first level 6 esper. The one "catch" -- it didn't seem to bother Accelerator either way -- was he would have to slaughter a massive amount of clones of Misaka Mikoto, aka Railgun; this is only because the clones are a noticeably weaker power level from the original Misaka.

You would think that being on top, would make you more content -- or at the very least, complacent -- with no one being able to touch him. However, when Accelerator finally met someone that could fight him, Kamijou Touma and his "Imagine Breaker", I guess you could say he himself broke. All that power, all that security, vanished like sand slowly draining from under your feet.

It is weird seeing a character, or even human really, lose power like that so quickly; it is one of the fastest way to turn someone who is pretty much fearless into almost an infant -- both scared and confused -- and be desperate to regain any power they can scrape up. Which that is exactly what Accelerator did in the face of something he wasn't use to; the only difference is that he did get some control back with that new found ability to condense the air around him into plasma.

In the end, Accelerator did lose to Touma -- with the help of Misaka and all of her clones. Power, and all the byproducts, is a strange concept that many people want out of instinct, but can't really handle when it shows up; when you have it and lose it, you end up a frightened mess that doesn't really know what to do next. It is a interesting struggle for control over the human psyche as a populace, all the while it slowly chips your own in parallel.

That is something that I really love seeing, because many can understand the idea of "power", but they don't necessarily know how they personal would react, and that -- as a psychology nerd -- is awesome to observe.