I've been trying to get back into manga for a while now; pretty much all the manga I read previously have ended, and I never looked for new ones. However, with the appearance of Kimi no Iru Machi, I have an excuse to get back into its manga.

Quite a while back I was reading Kimi no Iru Machi the manga and when watching the anime, I started to remember the events and characters in the first episode. I don't exactly remember why I stopped reading the manga, but I did get around to the Tokyo Arc, which is where the anime starts in. And because I originally started with the manga, I want to finished in it as well. So re-reading it was the best option, but I will watch the anime along side, simply because I still enjoy the manga even after reading it all over again; I can also compare it to the anime now that it is airing -- which is something that doesn't happen often for me.

With all that being said, because of the story begins in Tokyo -- rather than where the manga started in Hiroshima -- I guessed there would be flashbacks, and as of the second episode, I wasn't wrong. I don't normally complain about flashbacks, but these ones felt rushed in order to establish the backstory for Haruto and Yuzuki's relationship; they are very important don't get me wrong, but because I read the manga -- past most of what was shown in the flashback -- it felt too disjointed and seemed like the anime would of been better off just started there anyway.

To be honest, the first episode impressed me more then the second, mainly because we are introduced to characters that will be important. While the flashback, that being in the past, most people like Kanzaki Nanami, Kaga Akari, and Yura Takashi are mostly deemed irrelevant and the only two who are important are Haruto and Yuzuki -- even if they are friends of both and/or an old crush to Haruto.

Smaller complaints I have is the voice for Kanzaki, simply because she is one of my favorite characters so far -- at least manga-wise -- and her voice seemed too sweet, I found Kanzaki to be a bit more reserved than girly. And ever time Haruto speaks, all I hear is Arata from Chihayafuru, and no surprise that they are voice by the same person.

Overall, I'm enjoying the anime because I do see glimpses of the manga shining through, despite the minor details of some scenes. I doubt this will cover anything but a small portion of the manga, which is precisely why I'm re-reading it, and I'll probably still enjoy the anime even with it's flashbacks. It, if anything, will be a good introduction to the manga and is what a lot of anime are in the scheme of things.